Craniosacral Therapy

“Get out of your head and into your body and lets see what the system knows how to do.” ~ Dr. John E. Upledger


The brain and spinal cord are held within a semi-closed hydraulic system surrounded by a tough waterproof membrane. It is the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and the membrane (Dura Matter) that makes up the craniosacral system. It is the production and the reabsorption of the CSF that creates a craniosacral rhythm. By feeling the craniosacral rhythm restrictions in the soft tissue can be diagnosed and release. Craniosacral Therapy is a gentle hands-on treatment to relieve pain and dysfuntion to improve the health of the whole body.

What is Manual Lymphatic Drain?

The lymphatic system belongs to the circulatory apparatus, which provides one way for the blood to leave the the heart, the arterial system, and two ways for it to return, the venous and the lymphatic pathways. Fluid moves from the arterial system into the interstitial space bringing oxygen and nutrients to the cells of the body and then picks up the damaging by-products. Once the interstitial fluid moves into a lymph capillary it is called lymph. The lymph system fine tunes the drainage of the interstium (connective tissue) acting as an overflow for the water and excess substances in the interstitial environment. Lymph is mainly composed of water (96%), colloids and proteins, fats, blood cells and dead cells. It is in the lymphatic system where the white blood cells are active.

Lymphatic Drainage Therapy

Manual Osteropathic Therapy

What is Manuial Osteropathic Therapy?

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